
Collaborative Research Opportunity in Quantum Information Science Enables Discovery in High Energy Physics

DOE introduces funding opportunity of $60-70M for Quantum Information Science – Analysis of High-Performance Computing News

Collaborative Research Opportunity in Quantum Information Science Enables Discovery in High Energy Physics

On May 9, 2024, the DOE SC program in High Energy Physics (HEP) announced an interdisciplinary research opportunity in Quantum Information Science (QIS) Enabled Discovery (QuantISED), as part of its mission to investigate the fundamental workings of the universe. This program seeks applications from researchers in various fields to contribute to an exploratory initiative aimed at advancing HEP science objectives and supporting research and technology in QIS for the benefit of society. More information on this opportunity can be found on the program’s website.

Successful applications will drive innovative solutions for scientific discovery that align with both HEP science goals and advancements in foundational QIS and related scientific areas. The QIS subprogram within HEP is a collaborative effort between national and interagency programs, building on recent workshops and funding opportunities to explore beyond traditional boundaries.

The QIS subprogram within HEP leverages interdisciplinary research partnerships to drive early-stage research focused on impactful discoveries that benefit both HEP science objectives and public interests. This research aims to expand human knowledge of the physical universe, while fostering advanced technologies that support the program’s mission space authorized by Congress for HEP.

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