
Anderson County Health Department: Enhancing Public Health Through Community Initiatives during National Public Health Week

Anderson County Public Health Week to Feature Exciting Special Events

Anderson County Health Department: Enhancing Public Health Through Community Initiatives during National Public Health Week

During National Public Health Week, the Anderson County Health Department is taking part in various initiatives to raise awareness about public health. On April 1st, staff will be helping patients register to vote and collecting hygiene products to donate to the Tennessee Out-Reach Center for Homeless. They are also collaborating with UT Extension to offer an after-school yoga club at Glenwood Elementary.

On April 2nd, staff will be promoting outdoor activities at the Anderson County Senior Center through their Matter of Balance class. The Public Health Educator will host a tobacco/vaping prevention program called “Catch My Breath” at Grand Oaks Elementary for fifth graders. Anti-tobacco signage will be distributed to participating schools.

On April 3rd, more sessions of the “Catch My Breath” curriculum will be held for fifth graders. On April 4th, staff will be promoting access to vaccines and continuing the Matter of Balance class at the Senior Center.

On April 5th, the hygiene products collected will be donated to the center for homeless, and staff will be encouraged to walk at work. Finally, on April 7th, staff will attend the “Celebration of a Young Child” event to promote the future of public health.

Anderson County Health Department Director Charles Turner expressed his pride in the hard work of their staff and the services they provide to the community. The department offers programs such as CHANT, GIFTS, and TNSTRONG to support the health and well-being of residents.

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